Diddy & His Mentor Ray Dalio | Inside a Meeting Part II

Background and Early Influences

  • Diddy’s wants and desires are often subconscious and shaped by his upbringing.
  • His roots and values come from his early background, particularly his parents.
  • Diddy’s father was killed when he was two years old, and his mother had to take on multiple jobs to provide for the family.
  • Diddy learned his work ethic from watching his mother’s dedication and determination.

“I was raised in Harlem. My father was killed when I was two almost three years old, and then my mother… she had to figure it out and take over… I would watch my mother get up in the morning… she would work in a clothing store, then she would go back, drive the school bus, come home and feed us… and I never saw her sleep… it was just incredible.”

Overcoming Obstacles and Taking Initiative

  • At the age of 12, Diddy felt the need to step up and help his family.
  • He started working at a young age, taking on various jobs to support his mother.
  • Diddy’s determination to make a difference and represent his community in a positive way stemmed from the challenging environment he grew up in.
  • Even with limited opportunities and societal challenges, he always thought bigger and aimed high.

“I was lucky enough to have two parents who loved me… but then I went to a public school… in an era of crack… you know the communities were flooded with drugs and flooded with guns… it was a real dark time… to make it up out of that… to get to a point where I can make a difference and represent my community in a positive way… that’s still a part of my purpose… that same drive and that same purpose that I had as a paperboy.”

Cultivating a Resilient Mindset

  • Diddy’s “can’t stop won’t stop” mentality serves as his cultural rallying cry.
  • The phrase originated in his music as a positive message, encouraging resilience and perseverance.
  • Despite facing adversity and moments where quitting seemed like an option, Diddy was determined to keep going.
  • He believes that no matter the setbacks or challenges faced, there is always a way forward.

“Can’t stop won’t stop… if you get knocked down ten times, get up eleven… just keep on getting up and keep fighting and keep learning… there’s always a way… just because you don’t know what the way is doesn’t mean there’s not a way… there’s always a way.”

Importance of Dreaming and Reality

  • It’s important to not be afraid to close your eyes and dream.
  • But it’s also crucial to open your eyes and see the reality of what it’s going to take to achieve those dreams, no matter how insurmountable it may seem.

“Don’t be afraid to close your eyes and dream, but then open your eyes and see the reality of what it’s going to take no matter how insurmountable it may look.”

Reflecting on Experiences and Learning from Pain

  • Reflecting on one’s experiences, including the pain and adversity they have gone through, is crucial for personal growth.
  • The equation “pain plus reflection equals progress” highlights the idea that going through difficult experiences and reflecting on them helps in making progress.

“You’ve got humility and you’ve gone through experiences and all that you know – pain plus reflection equals progress, that’s a hero.”

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