How to Make YouTube Videos on Your Phone (Beginners Tutorial)

Getting started with smartphone video

  • All you need to get started with video is your smartphone.

“And in this video, we’re gonna be breaking down how to shoot a video for YouTube with this.”

Value for all smartphone users

  • The tutorial is valuable for all smartphone users, whether they have an iPhone, Android, or any other smartphone.

“if you have an Android or any other smartphone, you’re gonna get massive value from this video.”

Introduction to the four-part series

  • This is part one of a four-part series on how to create YouTube videos with your smartphone.
  • Part one covers shooting the video, part two covers thumbnails, part three covers editing, and part four covers uploading and optimizing the video.

“This is part one of how to create YouTube videos with your smartphone. Part one is gonna be all about shooting the video. Then we’re gonna do thumbnails in part two. How to edit in part three. And then finally, how to upload it and optimize the video in part four.”

Encouragement for beginners

  • The video aims to encourage beginners and provides a step-by-step guide on creating content with a smartphone.

“I just wanna encourage you, that this video is really gonna walk you step-by-step, how to start creating content with a phone that you already have.”

Tip #1: Get a feel for the room

  • Put your phone in selfie mode and walk around the room to assess the background before setting up your shot.

“Tip number one is, before you lock down your shot and set up any gear, put your phone in selfie mode and get a feel for the room.”

Tip #2: Gear recommendations

  • It is recommended to invest in a lighting kit, microphone, tripod, and smartphone mount to level up your smartphone content.

“Tip number two is get your gear ready. You can start with your smartphone, by just putting it on a pile of books, using your on-camera microphone, but there’s a few pieces of gear that we recommend to really level up your smartphone content.”

Tip #3: Lock down the shot

  • Choose the normal camera over the selfie camera for better video quality.
  • Look at the lens on your phone to make eye contact with the viewer.

“Tip number three is to lock down your shot. Now, there’s always the dilemma, do you do the selfie mode? Or do you do the normal camera? We suggest that you do the normal camera. But avoid this mistake. A lot of people, when they’re having selfie mode, they look at themselves and not the lens. Therefore, people can see it on the YouTube video.”

Tip #4: Set video settings

  • Choose 1080p as the video setting on your phone if available, or consider 4K if your phone supports it.
  • Shooting in 4K and down-processing to 1080p later will result in better video quality on YouTube.

“Tip number four is to lock in your video settings before you start to shoot. Now, most cameras on your phone will do 1080p, which is great. And we recommend choosing that setting, but if you have the option for 4K, choose 4K. But here’s the thing, you can always shoot in 4K, but then later down-process it to 1080p and it’ll still look better on YouTube.”

Tip #5: Deliver the content

  • Research the topic and plan the content beforehand.
  • Break down the content into points to help with recording and audience engagement.

“Tip number five is to deliver the content. The first thing is I researched what I wanted my video to be about. The second thing I did, was I took the content that I knew I wanted to have in the video and I broke it down into points.”

Next steps and questions of the day

  • The footage is now ready for editing, but before that, creating a great thumbnail for YouTube is important.

“All right, and now that all the footage is on the phone, it’s ready for the edit. But there’s actually one more step before that, and that is creating a great thumbnail for YouTube.”

“Question of the day: what smartphone do you currently have?”

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