HOW TO START | A Gary Vaynerchuk Original

Starting with documentation rather than content

  • Start by documenting your journey instead of creating content immediately
  • This allows you to establish credibility and build an audience
  • Documenting can include sharing your experiences, thoughts, and learnings
  • It’s about capturing your journey and sharing it with others

“The secret to creating successful content is to start with documentation instead of content creation.”

The importance of starting

  • True start only happens when you take action
  • Until you start, you haven’t done anything yet
  • The idea of repeating a lie until it becomes true doesn’t add any value
  • Taking action means creating something, which is the content

“The real start only happens when you take action and create content.”

Identifying what to talk about

  • Start by asking yourself “What?” “How?” “Where?” (WHW)
  • The “What?” focuses on the content and topic
  • The true starting point is when you know what you want to talk about

“The true starting point is when you know what you want to talk about, your content.”

Overcoming the fear of loss

  • Many people fear losing and getting stuck
  • The fear of loss often outweighs the desire for success
  • Overcome this fear by taking action and starting

“You’re stuck because you haven’t started. Overcoming the fear of loss is essential to move forward.”

Knowing your purpose

  • Understand what you want to talk about and how you want to be known
  • Look at yourself and ask, “What do I want to do every day until I die?”
  • Commit to it and make sure people understand what you want them to understand

“Know what you want to talk about and how you want to be known.”

The power of content

  • Content is what you create and share with the world to convey your message
  • It’s about sharing valuable information, ideas, and experiences
  • Your content is the essence of who you are and what you have to offer

“Content is the essence of who you are and what you have to offer.”

Leveraging different communication channels

  • Communication methods have changed significantly
  • Social media platforms have reshaped the way people connect
  • Different industries and niches have their own platforms

“Understanding the evolving communication landscape and utilizing different platforms is essential.”

Tapping into specific niches

  • Explore specific topics, from health and fitness to fashion
  • Even the Smurfs can be a niche
  • By focusing on a niche, you can create a successful content strategy

“Find a niche that resonates with you and dive deep into it to create engaging content.”

Creating content that adds value

  • Being contradictory or controversial doesn’t guarantee success
  • Focus on creating content that provides value and resonates with your audience
  • Quality content that educates, inspires, or entertains is what attracts people

“Creating valuable content that connects with your audience is key to success.”

The power of documenting and storytelling

  • Documenting your journey can have unexpected benefits
  • The example of Facebook acquiring Instagram within months
  • Personal experiences and stories can captivate and influence others

“Documenting your journey and sharing your stories can lead to unexpected outcomes.”

to Start

  • Facebook bought WhatsApp for 18 billion dollars.
  • The media was talking about it a lot.

“They laughed at everyone when they bought Instagram.”

How to Communicate

  • There are few specific ways to communicate with others in the world.
    • For example, through video.
  • Doing something crazy is true.
    • Like riding a train and disappearing for a week or doing something different.
    • You have to break the patterns.
    • Or through audio.
    • Sitting alone and listening to a playlist.
    • Trying to find some clarity.
    • Or through podcasts.
    • You have talked about the importance of hard work and self-understanding.
      • It is true.
      • But if you were asked to present one over the other, even marginally, then self-understanding is more attractive.
    • Because it is more attractive.
  • Why podcasts?
    • You can just put your phone near your mouth and start expressing your ideas.
    • And here I am sitting writing this article.
    • Or drafting it as notes.
    “This is my way of writing.”

Beginning is when You Start Working

  • I am producing a sick amount of content.
  • Because of the strategy that outlines our workflow.
  • Don’t do anything!
  • Just keep watching, keep watching what I upload.
  • Spend time watching my energy.
  • Taste the flavor of inspiration.
  • And beware not to do anything!
  • Don’t be one of those who have dinner at 7:00 and then have a quiet night.
  • When you have the right strategy, success will come.
  • And that’s how we realized that the primary content
    • Can be built upon to create a desired amount of content.

“When you have the right strategy, success will come.”

AskGaryVee Show

  • Welcome to the first episode of #AskGaryVee Show.
  • This may be the first episode
    • But I think I tried something similar before.
  • I feel like I now have the right team
    • And I can do it the way it should be done.
  • Be patient with long term goals.
  • Employ patience.
  • You must employ patience.
  • You must love the process.
  • Someone asked me, “What is the ROI of social media?”
    • I looked at her and said, “What is the ROI of parenting?”
  • There are a lot of people here who should not be making videos in the first place.

“I looked at her and said, ‘What is the ROI of parenting?'”

Starting on Social Media

  • Starting on social media is not the best way for some people to communicate with their audience.
  • Many people in the room waste their time recording videos and taking pictures, even though they are great bloggers. They don’t realize that blogging or publishing on Medium is a better option.

“Starting on social media is not the best way for some people to communicate with their audience.”

Advice for Writers

  • If you are a good writer and want to build a personal page for yourself or your project, I advise you to start blogging on Facebook or Instagram.
  • Write 7, 15, or 25 sentences and 3, 4, or 5 paragraphs of written content on your page. People will consume this content without a doubt.

“If you are a good writer and want to build a personal page for yourself or your project, I advise you to start blogging on Facebook or Instagram.”

What and How

  • When talking about starting, we need to address the questions of “what” and “how.” How can we do it? And then there is the question of “where” or distribution.
  • Finding answers to these questions is crucial, but many people find the beginning the hardest part. The hardest part is always the start.

“Finding answers to these questions is crucial, but many people find the beginning the hardest part. The hardest part is always the start.”

The Third Question – How to Make People See Your Content

  • The third question is about how to make people see your content. The secret lies in personal messaging.
  • The key is providing added value to people. Many people fail to do this, which surprises me.

“The key is providing added value to people. Many people fail to do this, which surprises me.”

Leveraging Personal Messaging on Instagram

  • The secret to standing out is using personal messaging on Instagram. Either go to influencers or pay for sponsored advertising on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or deals on YouTube.
  • These platforms attract people interested in fashion, food, sports shoes, or technology. Connect with people who have an audience. Search hashtags, tap on them, browse the account, and think about how you can add value to them.

“The secret to standing out is using personal messaging on Instagram. Either go to influencers or pay for sponsored advertising on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or deals on YouTube.”

Execution and Exploration

  • Start executing now! That’s what it means. Write a new post on Medium every week, or create content in different formats such as podcasts, videos, and written quotes. Use tactics like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Soundcloud, Twitter, and Medium.

“Start executing now! That’s what it means.”

Being the First to Explore

  • When you are the pioneer, you are the first to taste the fruits. There are no reports or guidelines to teach you how things should be done. You are the one to explore.
  • Today, we are witnessing an amazing era full of incredible opportunities, but everyone is talking and reading, and no one is doing anything.

“When you are the pioneer, you are the first to taste the fruits. There are no reports or guidelines to teach you how things should be done. You are the one to explore.”

Overcoming Fear and Starting

  • GaryVee expresses his fear about how people perceive his content and the hesitation many have in starting.
  • He mentions that people often think of platforms like Facebook and Twitter as places to distribute content, when in reality they are tools and mediums to tell stories.
  • The importance lies in mastering the art of storytelling on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.
  • These platforms have replaced major television networks like ABC, CBS, and NBC.

“These channels are where you need to master telling your story.”

Self-Belief and Taking Action

  • GaryVee is asked how to overcome hesitation and start taking action.
  • He advises the individual to focus on the beauty of their surroundings and take a step back.
  • It’s essential to realize that implementing a content strategy is not just about pages on social media platforms.
  • The targeting capabilities on Facebook and other platforms make it easier to connect with the right audience.

“It’s not enough to just think about content strategy for your pages on these platforms.”

Leveraging Search Engines and Reaching Out

  • GaryVee suggests that if someone wants to talk about coffee, they should start by searching for keywords like “coffee” and “blog” or “coffee” and “media company” on Google.
  • They can then reach out to all the editors and bloggers who write about coffee online.
  • Connecting with coffee enthusiasts, coffee sellers, and media companies in the coffee industry through personal messages on Instagram can also be effective.

“I would try to get them to talk about the content that I wrote.”

Valuing Each View

  • GaryVee emphasizes the significance of valuing each view, even if it might seem insignificant at first.
  • He compares it to one person watching his video, even if that person is an idiot.
  • Appreciating every single view can lead to opportunities and recognition.

“Which turns into, ‘Damn,’ ‘Yes!’ ‘Of course!'”

Embracing Discomfort

  • GaryVee encourages people to embrace discomfort and use it to their advantage.
  • He highlights the importance of taking risks and putting oneself out there.

“Look at me sitting here making this video.”

Connecting with the World

  • GaryVee explains that there are three main ways to connect with the world on the internet.
  • One can create a blog on platforms like Medium, LinkedIn, or WordPress.
  • Alternatively, they can utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Video content, such as YouTube videos or podcast episodes, is another effective way to connect with a global audience.

“Those are the three primary ways to communicate with the world on the internet.”


  • This video by GaryVee provides guidance on how to start creating content.
  • GaryVee discusses three main mediums to consider: written, video, and audio.
  • He emphasizes the importance of figuring out what you want to talk about and how to distribute your content.

“The video, then, is the second way. And the third is audio. The podcast revolution.”

Choosing a Medium

  • When it comes to creating content, you can choose between written, video, or audio.
  • Each medium has its own advantages and different platforms where it can be shared.
  • The video medium is highlighted as the second option worth considering.

“The video, then, is the second way.”

Key Considerations

  • It is essential to decide what you want to talk about before starting your content creation journey.
  • You need to determine how you will publish your content: written, video, or audio.
  • To ensure that people see your content, you must find effective ways to promote it.

“What do you want to talk about? How are you going to distribute? Written, video, audio.” “How do you make sure people see it?”

Utilizing Personal Messages for Distribution

  • GaryVee suggests using personal messages as a means of content distribution.
  • This approach involves directly messaging individuals and asking if they are interested in sharing your content.
  • By reaching out personally, you have the opportunity to build valuable connections and expand your content’s reach.

“You’re supposed to literally message 700 to 1,500 blogs or media sites and ask them ‘Do you want to distribute my stuff?'”

Leveraging Existing Networks

  • Another strategy is to tap into existing networks or newsletters that align with your content.
  • GaryVee gives an example of someone with a newsletter about coffee and suggests reaching out to them.
  • Collaborating with established platforms can help you reach a wider audience.

“Find this person and ask. All you have to do is ask. Be smart, though. Ask them what you can give them because you want everybody to read it.”

Engaging with Relevant Platforms

  • Consider publishing your content on platforms like Medium or posting on Reddit.
  • Connect with Medium editors who market content by sharing a link.
  • Engage with the community by initiating conversations and contacting influencers in your niche.

“Put a post on Medium and message Medium editors that are hashtagging things. Contact the 4,700 coffee journalists who are on YouTube…”

Taking Action

  • The video emphasizes the importance of taking action and starting the content creation process.
  • The key message is to begin without hesitation and make progress towards your goals.

“Get up and start. That’s how you start!”

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