Turning $75 in Pins and Hot Wheels Cars into $1,000 Plus | Trash Talk #2


  • GaryVee introduces episode two of Trash Talk.

“Episode two of Trash Talk.”

Retail arbitrage

  • Retail arbitrage is a great way to make money by buying items from stores like Marshall’s or Dollar Store and reselling them for a profit.
  • Flipping items from clearance aisles or outlets can also be profitable.
  • GaryVee believes that with scale, it’s possible to make 50 to 100,000 dollars through retail arbitrage.
  • However, for those who can’t or don’t want to do it full-time, garage sales can be a way to make 100 to 1000 dollars a week.
  • This can add up to 800 dollars a month, which can make a difference in someone’s living situation.

“Retail arbitrage, literally going to Marshall’s or Dollar Store or Target or outlets or clearance aisles is an incredible way to make flip dollars.”

Garage sales as a way to make money

  • Garage sales, yard sales, and town-wide sales can be a profitable way to make money on the side.
  • GaryVee believes that it’s possible to make 100 to 1000 dollars a week through garage sales.
  • This can be a viable option for those who can’t commit to doing it full-time.

“Whereas my thing with garage sales and yard sales and specifically town-wide sales, I think you can make 100 to 1000 a week.”

Garage sale finds

  • GaryVee visits a garage sale and finds a box of Matchbox cars and Hot Wheels for 10 dollars.
  • He also finds a Papa Smurf toy for 1 dollar.
  • GaryVee is excited about the potential value of these items and plans to go through them.

“Literally this box of Matchbox cars and Hot Wheels could be monster. Dollar Papa Smurf.”

Finding valuable items at garage sales

  • GaryVee and his team go through the box of Matchbox cars and Hot Wheels.
  • The condition of the items is not great, but there may still be valuable items within.
  • They find a Thundercat action figure from 1987, which GaryVee believes may be rare.
  • They also find a Papa Smurf toy with a tag, which GaryVee knows will sell well.

“These are pretty banged up. We’re still gonna go through it. Pretty pumped up.”

Valuable item discoveries

  • GaryVee finds a Captain Shiner Thundercat action figure, which he believes is rare.
  • He is excited about the potential value of this find.
  • GaryVee emphasizes the importance of knowledge and research in identifying valuable items.

“35, 35, 30, 59 if you have the gun. All day. This is why I love this game.”

Negotiating at garage sales

  • GaryVee comes across a bag of Disney Cars toys at a garage sale.
  • However, the seller wants 2 dollars per car, which GaryVee deems overpriced.
  • He explains that he loves negotiating but doesn’t want to insult the seller.
  • GaryVee prefers to find deals that are more mutually beneficial.

“Look, I love negotiating, but I don’t like insulting. She wanted two bucks a car. I needed to buy the whole bag for two bucks.”

More garage sale finds

  • GaryVee visits another garage sale and finds Lego sets, video games, and coffee mugs.
  • He negotiates the price for the items he’s interested in.
  • GaryVee is excited about the potential value of his finds.

“All right, so far a huge Lego score. Trash Talk, let’s see what else happens.”

Garage Sale Finds

  • The narrator and D-Rock come across various items at a garage sale.
  • They find a Getty Fire car for five cents and plan to showcase it on Instagram.
  • They also come across a Papa Smurf plush doll, which they purchase for a dollar with the tag.

“I paid five cents… This item has been sold, 13.99. That’s what I call 14 bucks all day, motherfucker.”

Mug Life

  • The narrator is excited about finding a mug at a garage sale.
  • He mentions that being the first sale at a garage sale is great.
  • He plans to market the rare mug and is confident it will do well.

“She clearly wanted two bucks for it… We were the first sale… I’m telling you, you’re gonna see this Hannah Barbara… I’m telling you right now, wait ’til you see how I market this rare mug.”

Madison Garage Sales

  • The narrator and D-Rock head to Madison, New Jersey for more garage sales.
  • They have already visited several sales in Closter.
  • The narrator appreciates the work done by Caleb and gives shoutouts to various people in their team.

“We’re at halftime now… We went to a different town… Now, we’re in Madison, New Jersey… Only five or six or seven sales we went to in Closter… Big shoutout to Caleb on our team… Big shoutout to Iris… Big shoutout to Justin… Big shoutout to Babin… Big shoutout to D-Rock.”

GaryVee’s Garage Sale Haul

  • Gary thanks the seller for the purchase and compliments the case. He acknowledges that it is old and banged up, but still appreciates it.
  • He leaves the non-car items for the seller and expresses his gratitude.

“Thank you so much. Here, I’ll put this one in with it.”

Finding Valuable Hot Wheels Cars

  • Gary and D-Rock discuss the condition of the Hot Wheels cars they found, mentioning that some of them have destroyed faces.
  • They estimate that one particular car is worth at least $100.

“This is at least a hundo.”

Excitement Over the Hot Wheels Score

  • D-Rock excitedly mentions that they found another Hot Wheels car.
  • Gary reveals that the entire haul only cost him $40, emphasizing what a great find it is.

“Dude, I just got a huge Hot Wheels score. Yeah, it’s a real score, like a real fuckin’ score.”

Interaction with a Patriots Fan

  • Gary expresses disappointment upon discovering that the seller is a Patriots fan. He jokingly says that any garage sale with a Patriots fan sucks.
  • He mentions that they didn’t find anything at that particular sale, though it has been rare for them to leave empty-handed.

“Just went to a sale, got nothin’. Which has been rare today. Even though it’s been a rainy day and it’s late already.”

Discussing Expertise in Garage Saling

  • Gary reflects on the importance of being knowledgeable about the value of collectibles. He mentions that he found a valuable Hot Wheels car around 11:30, highlighting the benefits of understanding the craft.

“Super smart snails get things too. I got that Hot Wheels Matchbox killer at like, 11:30. So when you know your craft, there’s also that.”

Checking the Value of Hot Wheels Cars

  • Gary decides to look up the value of a few Hot Wheels cars they’ve collected.
  • They specifically mention searching for the value of a Hot Wheels P9, and express anticipation for the results.

“We’re gonna look up a couple of them, destroyed. Hot Wheels, P9. I don’t know, watch this. It’s about to get crazy.”

Excitement Over a Valuable Hot Wheels Car

  • Gary and Ty find a Hot Wheel car that is in great shape and predict it could be worth around $70. They express their enthusiasm and urge to continue their search.

“Let’s go, let’s really go. That was huge. This is probably 70 bucks itself, or 50 bucks.”

Another Valuable Find

  • Justin asks Gary if he found another valuable item, to which Gary confirms. He mentions that he paid $40 for the whole haul and considers it a significant score.

“Another one that’s real good. I paid 40 for it all. Yeah, it’s a real score, like a real fuckin’ score.”

Positive Interaction with a Garage Sale Host

  • Gary exchanges pleasant greetings with a garage sale host and thanks her as they part ways.

“Hello. Well have a great day, thank you.”

Commenting on the Weather and People’s Garage Sale Finds

  • Gary reflects on the rainy weather and people’s success at finding items during the garage sale. He notes that despite the rain and late timing, many people were able to make valuable discoveries.

“Even though it’s been a rainy day and it’s late already. A lot of people talk about early birds getting worms. Super smart snails get things too.”

Inspirational Encounter with a Fan

  • Gary encounters a fan who expresses his admiration and mentions that he and his friend go garage saling every weekend. They talk about their creative pursuits and taking inspiration from Gary’s content.

“Dude, you’re my idol, man. I look up to you so much. Thank you, brotha, thank you, brotha. All’s we do is every weekend go garage saling. I love it, I love it. All’s we do is flippin’.”

“You could always go back to that shit. You could do that at 24, you know what I mean. Yeah. Stay well, man. All the shit you preach man. I believe in that shit.”

Quick yard sale find

  • Gary finds a yard sale and expresses excitement about it. He laughs and calls it a “quick little yard sale.”
  • The host of the garage sale shows Gary a collection of Olympic pins for sale. The pins are priced at $1 each.

“Quick little yard sale going here.”

Negotiating the price

  • Gary offers to buy the entire collection of Olympic pins for $20 instead of $25.
  • The host agrees to the offer because the pins are not doing him any good.

“I would do it for 20.”

Discovering the value of a pin

  • The host points out a pin specifically made for the Calgary Olympics. It is a large pin with a value ranging from $30 to $50.

“That is specially made for Calgary and the Calgary Olympics, it’s a large pin. It can go anywheres from 30 to 50 bucks.”

Excitement over the find

  • Gary is thrilled with the purchase and declares that they have struck gold again. He emphasizes the value of the Olympic pins.

“I just bought a ton of Olympic pins. He wanted a buck a piece, I got the whole collection for 20.”

Counting the pins

  • Gary and Ty count the pins and realize there are 245 pins in total.

“245 pins?”

Realizing the potential value

  • Gary explains that if each pin is sold for a dollar, the collection is worth $245. However, if stretched out, it could potentially fetch $500 to $600.

“It can go for 500 if I stretch it out, ridiculousness.”

Exploring other valuable items

  • Gary mentions finding a box of old Matchbox toys for $5. He believes there may be hidden value in the box.
  • He also discusses the potential value of rare Coca-Cola collectible pins.

“Guys the pins update is ridiculous.” “There’s how many pins? 245.” “I paid five for the whole box.” “I haven’t even looked up the Coca-Cola one’s that are rare.”

Time as a factor

  • Gary notes that time plays a role in deciding whether to sell the entire pin collection as one lot or to stretch out the sales. Some people may prefer the quick sale for time-saving purposes, while others may invest more time for potentially higher returns.

“For a lot of people, time is what they actually have.”

Reflecting on the successful purchases

  • Gary shares his satisfaction with the day’s finds and believes he has spent around $100 but expects the total value to be well over $1000.

“Straight up I spent 100, no doubt in my mind it’s well over 1000.”

Trash Talk and negotiations

  • Gary and his team did a lot of negotiating and loaded up on items.
  • They are going to transfer all the stuff to Justin on his team.
  • They plan to post a bunch of stuff and see how they did.

“We did a lot of negotiating, we loaded up.”

Excitement over great finds

  • Justin is excited about a case containing 20 items.
  • Gary had found a lot of cars for 50 bucks, including one worth 50 bucks itself.

“Yes, I know you’d– A case? Yeah, case it 20 by itself. No fuckin’ way. I knew you were gonna go wild. Wow!”

Amazing bargains

  • Gary is thrilled with the hundreds of Olympic pins he bought for 20 bucks.
  • Each pin was originally priced at a dollar, but he got a whole sheet of 40 for just 20 bucks.

“I just bought hundreds of Olympic pins … I paid 20 bucks for it all.”

Great deals on various items

  • Gary bought a lot of items for incredibly low prices, including Thomas the Train cars for five bucks, a Papa Smurf toy for a dollar, a Hard Rock mug for 50 cents, and a Dr. Seuss toy for 50 cents.
  • He also picked up a rare Thundercat toy for 10 cents, a Bambi gun for 50 cents, a rare Nebraska mug for 50 cents, and vintage Santa plastic cups for a dollar.
  • Additionally, he found a White Sox mug from 1983 for 50 cents.

“Paid five bucks for this entire Thomas the Train lot … Paid a dollar for this Papa Smurf … Paid 50 cents for this Hard Rock mug … Paid 50 cents for this Dr. Seuss … Paid 10 cents for this rare Thundercat … Paid 50 cents for this Bambi gun … Paid 50 cents for this rare Nebraska mug … Picked up these vintage Santa plastic cups … Bought this retro 1983 White Sox mug for 50 cents.”

Learning and enjoying the process

  • Gary’s team is excited about the amazing buys and has been learning a lot.
  • They find it fun and exciting to come across older and rarer pieces.
  • Justin breaks down the details of the items they acquired and shares his enthusiasm.

“Since Gary gave all of those amazing buys to us we’ve been going crazy nonstop. … everybody’s learning stuff, and I get to teach this stuff. So breaking it down like that is just amazing.”

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