Fear and Uncertainty

  • The speaker expresses fear and uncertainty about what comes next after college.
  • They mention that they are afraid because they know exactly what happens in this month every year.
  • The speaker hopes that this phase doesn’t last forever, but they are still apprehensive.
  • They acknowledge that many of their viewers are also graduating this month and may not have any idea of what they want to do next.

“I’m scared because I know exactly what happens in this month every year. I hope this ends quickly, but I’m afraid because I know there are many of you who are graduating this month and have no idea what you want to do.”

Starting Your Own Business

  • Go and start your own business that you have always wanted
  • Build your own team with your three best friends
  • Start that band you’ve always wanted to start

“This is the time to take big risks. I know it’s the time to grow and see the world. But, this world is not what your mom and dad told you it would be. The world will be what it is, not what you thought it would be. A lot of bullshit is going to change. The world changes every single day.”

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